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Tag Archives: Failure

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Recently I organized guest lecture on “Industrial Design and Visual Perception” at my organization. Speaker talked about industrial design, his background in product design and the process of product design. Somewhere he used quote from Wayne Dyer

When you change the way look at things, the things you look at change. – Wayne Dyer

Of course it was followed by relevant example in product design space. However the quote made me think. It is not that I heard this quote for the first time but this is the first time, it made me think a lot and I started comparing it with life that we live. As I thought more about this quote, I realized it is true in each and everything that we do whether it be our daily job, love life, or even professional life. Earlier I had written about Relativity of life in terms of Success and Failure. But I think it applies to everything. For example, there are some things that we like but there will be people who will hate those things. There are multiple factors affecting that , their background, their upbringing and their core values. Recently I read somewhere that some famous scientist’s school headmaster wrote a note to his mother. His mother cried after reading the note from school headmaster. When kid asked mother about the letter, she said “You school headmaster said: ‘Your child are too smart. We don’t have enough good teachers to teach your child.Teach him at your home’ “. Later he became the very famous scientist. I am not sure about the scientist but I think it was Galileo. After his mother died, one day he came across this letter from school headmaster and as soon as he completed reading, he started sobbing. The letter read “You child is dumb. We can’t have him at our school. Teach him at your home.” Inspiring ! Isn’t it ?

There is lot I can write on this topic. “If we start looking at the things from different perspective, we will get amazing results in life.”

Best Things in Life – 1

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Have you ever thought “What are the best things in life?” I am sure most of us have not. Whether you are student or a working professional or an entrepreneur , just give it a thought before reading further…… What all things come to your mind? Is it money , beautiful house or nice car? My dear friend , none of these things matter after some point. Recently I came across below video and that inspired me to write this post.

What do you think ? We are happy in our small world and very small things gives us great pleasure. It may be talking to old school/college friends after long time or it may be going to your native after long time or it may be getting first round of funding (even though it is little) after lots of hard work. Isn’t it? That’s Relativity Of Life.

Alone or Lonely? What’s the Difference?

In English dectionary , Alone and Lonely are synonyms but acording to me they are completely different. Being Lonely means you don’t have someone with you to share something. It can be considered as one of “those” sad moments. While on the other hand I define being Alone as “Enjoying with soul”. Loneliness may kill you but being alone will build you.  From my limited experience , I came to know that most of the people hate “Being Lonely” because they don’t know the power of “Being Alone”. It will help you to heal many problems/difficulties of your life. Okay. I am convinced that by being alone I can build better me but to be frank I don’t have time.I have family[responsibility] , I have job[tension/pressure] , I could not even meet my old friends and there are many more.. But my dear friend “Being Alone” for few minutes is going to help you in all these things. I am not asking for more than 5 minutes daily of your so called “busy” schedule. Okay. I will find time but what to do in these 5-10 minutes What do I get?. Hmm. That’s the problem. We want something from whatever we do. But sometimes best things in the world are free for example what do get by “Smile”. [I will write more about best things in the world in the upcoming post.] In this 5-10 minutes you can:

– Read your diary if you have one

– Check your pictures library [It will make you realize how your life has changed]

– Observe nature [My Favourite]

– Talk to your parents if they are not living with you.

– Think about yourself [Where were you before 5-10 years ago.]

– Do Nothing. [Yes really]

Relativity of Life: Success and Failure

We all have heard of Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity” but this post is about realtivity in our life. When we were small , we were happy with small things and our thought is confined within our small community. If we get higher marks or even beat someone in cricket match , we were more than happy and it is “Success” for us.  But as we grow we came to know about facts of life. And relativity is one of them. As we grow we come to know that what we were considering as a Success is a realative success to our specific community. When I thought more about it, I realized nothing is absolute in this world. Everything is relative.


When you got admission into school, you were happy because you got into better school than your friends. In this case your success is relative to your friends. It applies in each and every case including Job, Promotion , Money etc. You can just make list of the things that you are proud of . Then try to find people who are best in related field you have listed. I am sure you can find many people who are more successful in the related field. You might ask “Okay. Agree we live in realtive world and my success is relative to my community but what about the best person in relative field”. The simple answer “He might be the best person in the relative field but he might not have the things you have. To give you an example Stephen Hawking is world’s renowned scientist/physicist. He has great mind but he has to rely on other people to do even his daily tasks.” This example is just to give you an insight into my defination of relativity.  Similarly it applies to failures and human emotions.

Is This Really My Life ?

If you are feeling like “Is this really my life?” than this post is for you. Don’t worry you are not the only person who feels the same. There are thousands of people out there in the world. Do you feel like why I have so many problems in my life?  .Always remember one thing “If you don’t have problems in your life than I am sure you are not living life.”  Life is what you make of it.

There are moments when you ask God “Why me?” But according to me you should be thankful to him because he tried you. There are thousands of people like you in the world but he chose you. There is something unique in you. So now on wards when you face problems and you feel like “Why me?” Just remember above lines and say “Try me.” . If you are not convinced yet than let me explain it it a different way. If you don’t face any problems/challenges and you don’t respond well to those challenges than you will die like an ordinary person. No one will remember you. Is it okay with you? or on the other end you want yourself to be remembered by next generation.

Still not convinced: Think of the time when you got success . It can be your school/university grade ,extra curricular activities , promotion or it can be anything else. Now ask yourself. When you got success, have you asked “Why me?”.  Answer would be “No” Right !!! Than why are you afraid now?

Related post: Turn Your Fear into Curiosity.

Achievement and Success are not Same

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Most of the people in this world are using achievement and Success interchangeably. But it is not the case. There is a difference between Achievement and Success. There are people who have number of achievement but they could not succeed. The reason is they are more self   centered.Although everyone in today’s world are self centered only the “radius” that matters. People who got something in life by stealing others Idea are called achievers but they did not get success. There are people who don’t have any achievements but they get success because of their thought process. So according to me we all should keep one thing in mind “Treat others the way you want others to treat you.” If we keep it in our mind we surely get Success along with Achievements. And also you can enjoy your achievements.

Turn Your Fear Into Curiosity

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One of the hindrance in ones progress can be fear of failure. Actually we all have unknown fear of something. And that fear is  “Fear Of  Failure” . To overcome this I found the best quote “Replace The Fear Of The Unknown With Curiosity”. It is a gradual process. You may not achieve such a mental state in a single day but through constant practice it can be achieved.”Practice Makes The Man Perfect”. And even after constantly trying you are having the fear just ask yourself “Why should I fear?” You will get answer by yourself.

There is a vast difference between failure and temporary defeat.

There is no such thing as failure, unless it is accepted as such. Every defeat is temporary unless you give up and allow it to become permanent. In fact, temporary defeat often makes us stronger and more capable. Each time we try and fail, we learn something that helps prepare us for eventual success. Only in the classroom is there a single correct answer for every problem. If you try an approach that doesn’t work, try something else. When you view adversity as nothing more than a learning experience, your successes in life will far outnumber your failures.