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Tag Archives: parents

Alone or Lonely? What’s the Difference?

In English dectionary , Alone and Lonely are synonyms but acording to me they are completely different. Being Lonely means you don’t have someone with you to share something. It can be considered as one of “those” sad moments. While on the other hand I define being Alone as “Enjoying with soul”. Loneliness may kill you but being alone will build you.  From my limited experience , I came to know that most of the people hate “Being Lonely” because they don’t know the power of “Being Alone”. It will help you to heal many problems/difficulties of your life. Okay. I am convinced that by being alone I can build better me but to be frank I don’t have time.I have family[responsibility] , I have job[tension/pressure] , I could not even meet my old friends and there are many more.. But my dear friend “Being Alone” for few minutes is going to help you in all these things. I am not asking for more than 5 minutes daily of your so called “busy” schedule. Okay. I will find time but what to do in these 5-10 minutes What do I get?. Hmm. That’s the problem. We want something from whatever we do. But sometimes best things in the world are free for example what do get by “Smile”. [I will write more about best things in the world in the upcoming post.] In this 5-10 minutes you can:

– Read your diary if you have one

– Check your pictures library [It will make you realize how your life has changed]

– Observe nature [My Favourite]

– Talk to your parents if they are not living with you.

– Think about yourself [Where were you before 5-10 years ago.]

– Do Nothing. [Yes really]

Things that child never tells to his/her parent

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My Lovely Parent

When a child born he does not know anything about the real world. It was his parents that make him aware of everything. And he better knows it. Till the age of 15-17 he is enjoying his childhood. He has no fear/worries/tension. His parents and friends are his
world. He just do what his parents wants im to do. He shares everything with his parents. He has a great inner feeling while reaching home every day. But after the age 17-18 , he realized what his parents are doing for him and how they are cutting  their requirement just for the betterment of their children. It is the life changing step for a child. Now he is no more a child. He is entering into adulthood. And after observing his parents daily life, he clearly understood the value of his parents. And the day he starts working for giving every happiness to his parents. And now he no more shares his defeat and disappointments. He will share only his achievement and success. He wants to see his parents happy. After completing his education he starts working on giving every happiness to his parents. But meanwhile during the course of his education he came across many difficult situations. But he never shares. And surprising he suppress his feeling (dream) under the wish of his parents saying “I have my whole life to accomplish my dreams. But my parents don’t.”

I agree there are children described “badly” in many articles but there are children exactly doing opposite to it as described in the article above. How one can forget the priceless moments shown below.

Whatever may be the condition, human emotions are not going to change. So I am becoming more modern or I must say “Adjusting with the current environment” but my feeling are not going to change. Love you parents.


A 21st Century Child

We all live three lives: Public , Personal and Private

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People believe there is only one life. But I believe we live three lives namely: Public,Personal and Private. In public everyone knows who we are. Like our all friends know who we are, where do we study,etc. It is kind of overview of the person. While in personal life we share our some of the views to our close friends. It may include our feelings for others , our happy moments and some sad moments. Although we do not share such information with others. While the last on is Private. It affects our behavior.Although we share everything with our best friend ,there are always few things we never share with anyone. Even not with our  “Parents”. Even when we die we take it with us. We come to know about such life only when we are alone.We can find so many things that perhaps no one knows better than us.What do you say ?