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Tag Archives: never

What Others Will Think Of Me ?

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How many times you didn’t do something that you wanted to do, thinking “What others/society will think of me?” Many of us care about what other people/society will think. I used to think that way. But I realized that no one really cares other than your family and your inner circle . People might say something for few minutes/hours/days then they will forget , busy living their own life. So do whatever you want to do without thinking about what others will think. According to me what really matters is

What others think about you is not as important as what you think of yourself.

Having said that it doesn’t mean , you don’t care about other people. It simply means what others think about you should not stop you from doing things you love to do.  Sometime you feel “The world aint all sunshine and rainbows” and that is completely okay. No matter what happens , keep moving forward and never give up. This is your life. Make it large.

Never Give Up

It has been almost 2 months since I have written any blog. I was little busy and could not find time to write. Even I thought of quitting writing blogs. But I did not and here I am with another blog. Whenever the thought of quitting comes to mind, I started thinking why I started this blog. And I realized just because at present I could not find time to write , I should not quit writing.

“When you think about quitting, remember why you started”.


I am sure you all must have come across such situations. If not , you will. Another incident happened last week. I was working on one project and I got stuck at one problem for couple of days and I thought it is dead end and nothing can be done further. However I didn’t stop and decided to spend few more hours on the problems and surprisingly I was able to resolve the problem. Below image replicate the lesson I learnt.


People may Hurt you , Break you but it is How you Behave that Make you.

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As a human we experience something new and better everyday. We met thousands of new people in our journey of Life.  And those people are of different kind. If you could not find anything good in them then read Good people are hard to find on earth…Really???.. . And among them you find many people who tries to hurt you , tries to break you. But you should not get demotivated by them. Please do keep in mind Life never turns the way we want, but.. . You can not blame whole human culture/life  just you had bad experience with few of them. Once again I want to quote Life is beautiful. Live it, Learn it , Love it . So ever since you come to such situation , just spend some time with yourself. Read some motivational stories/article for example this . It is your reaction to the situation(people) that makes you.

Life never turns the way we want but……

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How many times you feel depressed thinking “Things never turns the way want.”? Is it the same case with other people?  And answer is Yes. So what is the difference between successful people and others? . The only difference in amount of “Effort” they have done.Those people have just tried little more than others. I would like to share one conversation with successful person:

Q: What is the secret behind your success?

A: Doing Right Thing

Q: How do you do Right Thing?

A: Experience

Q: From where do you get such Experience?

A: Practice

Q: How do you Practice?

A: By doing wrong things

Also “Every artist was first an amateur.”-Ralph Emerson

So from above conservation it is clear that each and every person on this earth are capable of doing amazing things. So my message is:

Everyone in this world are capable of doing great thing and  “Do not be afraid of walking alone“.