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Tag Archives: small

Happiness – First Experience

Last weekend I was watching Bollywood movie “English Vinglish” and in that there was this scene.

In that “Sri Devi was going to USA for the first time alone and she was bit tensed. At that time Amitabh Bachchan told her that “Pehli baar ek hi baar aata hai (English: “First Time” comes only once) so enjoy it at fullest” “. So true. Isn’t it?

Let me share some of those my first experience. I was very excited when my presentation got selected for a conference for the first time. Later I presented at several other conference but I will never forget that moments/happiness/excitement of first experience. There are many such moments for me and I will cherish them lifetime. I am sure you must have “such” moments. It can be very small. We get happiness from small things. Like:- I was happy when I wrote my first blog . Small things like “Getting window seat on a bus” can make us happy. So enjoy such moments. Life is full of such moments. Life is beautiful. Live it. Love it. Learn it. Don’t make it complicated. 🙂

Best Things in Life – 1

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Have you ever thought “What are the best things in life?” I am sure most of us have not. Whether you are student or a working professional or an entrepreneur , just give it a thought before reading further…… What all things come to your mind? Is it money , beautiful house or nice car? My dear friend , none of these things matter after some point. Recently I came across below video and that inspired me to write this post.

What do you think ? We are happy in our small world and very small things gives us great pleasure. It may be talking to old school/college friends after long time or it may be going to your native after long time or it may be getting first round of funding (even though it is little) after lots of hard work. Isn’t it? That’s Relativity Of Life.

Relativity of Life: Success and Failure

We all have heard of Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity” but this post is about realtivity in our life. When we were small , we were happy with small things and our thought is confined within our small community. If we get higher marks or even beat someone in cricket match , we were more than happy and it is “Success” for us.  But as we grow we came to know about facts of life. And relativity is one of them. As we grow we come to know that what we were considering as a Success is a realative success to our specific community. When I thought more about it, I realized nothing is absolute in this world. Everything is relative.


When you got admission into school, you were happy because you got into better school than your friends. In this case your success is relative to your friends. It applies in each and every case including Job, Promotion , Money etc. You can just make list of the things that you are proud of . Then try to find people who are best in related field you have listed. I am sure you can find many people who are more successful in the related field. You might ask “Okay. Agree we live in realtive world and my success is relative to my community but what about the best person in relative field”. The simple answer “He might be the best person in the relative field but he might not have the things you have. To give you an example Stephen Hawking is world’s renowned scientist/physicist. He has great mind but he has to rely on other people to do even his daily tasks.” This example is just to give you an insight into my defination of relativity.  Similarly it applies to failures and human emotions.