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Tag Archives: God

Interesting Things about God

This post is inspired by Bollywood movie “OMG(Oh My God)“. If you have not watched it yet,please find some time to watch the movie. It is a story of Kanji, an atheist. By selling idols of gods with make-believe tales he earns a living. One day his shop is destroyed in earthquake. Kanji’s only asset was his shop. He went to insurance company for claim but company rejects his claims on the basis that their cover does not include “act of God”. Then he files a case against God for destroying his property. Kanji sends the notice to all the self-proclaimed God-men who claim to be in constant touch with Him. In the court he has  to prove that “God exists and he has destroyed his property.” Kanji’a argument against so called God-men is awesome and also it gives a remarkable lesson. So Go and Watch. OMG . If you are not Indian and wants to know about God , I have summarised lessons(in my way) from the movie.

1. Does God exists?


2. Who is atheist?

– The one who don’t accept the presence of God after experiencing it.

3. If God exists then why can’t we see him?

– As we grow we become more and more selfish and we pray only to God to do a favor maybe good marks in exams, promotions etc. Today we pray to God only when we are in trouble. God exists everywhere. The only thing needed from our side is to experience the supreme power.

– If you have real faith you can see/experience him in even small ants to green leafs.

4. What God is doing for us?

-He has created wonderful nature for us to live. He is always with us.His Job is to show us the right path . We have to reach our destiny by ourselves.

5. What he want from us?

– He does not want to spent your money in Milk ,  flowers , oil , coconut, etc. He does not want any of these things.He wants nothing but little faith in him. If you have some extra money , he wants you to spend those money on helping poor people.

Is This Really My Life ?

If you are feeling like “Is this really my life?” than this post is for you. Don’t worry you are not the only person who feels the same. There are thousands of people out there in the world. Do you feel like why I have so many problems in my life?  .Always remember one thing “If you don’t have problems in your life than I am sure you are not living life.”  Life is what you make of it.

There are moments when you ask God “Why me?” But according to me you should be thankful to him because he tried you. There are thousands of people like you in the world but he chose you. There is something unique in you. So now on wards when you face problems and you feel like “Why me?” Just remember above lines and say “Try me.” . If you are not convinced yet than let me explain it it a different way. If you don’t face any problems/challenges and you don’t respond well to those challenges than you will die like an ordinary person. No one will remember you. Is it okay with you? or on the other end you want yourself to be remembered by next generation.

Still not convinced: Think of the time when you got success . It can be your school/university grade ,extra curricular activities , promotion or it can be anything else. Now ask yourself. When you got success, have you asked “Why me?”.  Answer would be “No” Right !!! Than why are you afraid now?

Related post: Turn Your Fear into Curiosity.

Ray Of Hope For Life

Life can be compared to our eyes. When our eyes are in bright part for little time and then if we move to dark room then we cannot see anything.  But if we spent some time in the same dark room then we can see everything and find our ways through it. Similarly in our life when we have spent more time in our good(bright) days and suddenly we have to  face the bad(dark) days we cannot see forward(future). But if have hope then after some time we can find our ways through it and can give our best. So the real key to success is HOPE. I want to say

“Always have faith in three things for getting success.

1. Family

2. God

3. The most important is yourself.”

In your dark days control your mind because

“ Our mind is our great friend , if we control it. But our mind is our greatest enemy ,if it controls us.”