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Tag Archives: Time


What is the meaning of ‘Innovation’ to you?

Depending on who you ask, you are likely to get a different answer. Here are a few responses that you might expect:

  • Doing something new
  • Generating crazy ideas
  • Move fast and break things
  • Doing something that nobody else is doing
  • Disrupting industries with new ways
  • Doing traditional thing ‘cheaper, better and faster’

It could definitely mean many more things to a different organization but one thing for sure it is not a siloed team sitting in four walls of the corporate buildings. If you really expect out of your ‘innovation’ investment make sure your ‘innovation’ team speaks to your end-user/consumer. Incumbents who are doing investment without any strategic direction are soon going to get toppled by new entrants.

It also reminds me of a quote from my recent read ” Skin in the game

Two people can be using the same word, meaning different things, yet continue the conversation, which is fine for coffee conversation but not when making decisions especially which affect other people.

Happiness – First Experience

Last weekend I was watching Bollywood movie “English Vinglish” and in that there was this scene.

In that “Sri Devi was going to USA for the first time alone and she was bit tensed. At that time Amitabh Bachchan told her that “Pehli baar ek hi baar aata hai (English: “First Time” comes only once) so enjoy it at fullest” “. So true. Isn’t it?

Let me share some of those my first experience. I was very excited when my presentation got selected for a conference for the first time. Later I presented at several other conference but I will never forget that moments/happiness/excitement of first experience. There are many such moments for me and I will cherish them lifetime. I am sure you must have “such” moments. It can be very small. We get happiness from small things. Like:- I was happy when I wrote my first blog . Small things like “Getting window seat on a bus” can make us happy. So enjoy such moments. Life is full of such moments. Life is beautiful. Live it. Love it. Learn it. Don’t make it complicated. 🙂

Is This Really My Life ?

If you are feeling like “Is this really my life?” than this post is for you. Don’t worry you are not the only person who feels the same. There are thousands of people out there in the world. Do you feel like why I have so many problems in my life?  .Always remember one thing “If you don’t have problems in your life than I am sure you are not living life.”  Life is what you make of it.

There are moments when you ask God “Why me?” But according to me you should be thankful to him because he tried you. There are thousands of people like you in the world but he chose you. There is something unique in you. So now on wards when you face problems and you feel like “Why me?” Just remember above lines and say “Try me.” . If you are not convinced yet than let me explain it it a different way. If you don’t face any problems/challenges and you don’t respond well to those challenges than you will die like an ordinary person. No one will remember you. Is it okay with you? or on the other end you want yourself to be remembered by next generation.

Still not convinced: Think of the time when you got success . It can be your school/university grade ,extra curricular activities , promotion or it can be anything else. Now ask yourself. When you got success, have you asked “Why me?”.  Answer would be “No” Right !!! Than why are you afraid now?

Related post: Turn Your Fear into Curiosity.

If You Wait Today You Will Wait Forever

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Are you planning to  do something? Not getting time. You have so many things to do. Then please take few minutes and read this. First thing is “There is never going to be perfect time to begin.”

“If you wait today , you will wait forever.”

What would have happened if  Bill Gates ,Steve Jobs , Ted Turner  waited for the perfect moment to get started. There are moments when no one is with you. But you must have faith in yourself. If you still have doubt do read about Walt Disney or I have posted summery here.

“He has no $ to start business.But he had a passion for films.So he started anyways.

He borrowed film equipment.And made a studio from his garage.

He poured his heart into his first films.But nobody wanted to watch them.

He ran out of money. He lost his apartment.He survived on a diet of cold beans.

But he never give up and got Success.”

If you can dream it , you can do it. – Walt Disney

So Please do it now.

Meditation, the most beneficial use of time.

We all experience rare moments when a blinding revelation comes to us, when we suddenly see things differently than ever before. Usually, however, we learn the truth about ourselves gradually, over long periods of time, from quiet introspection. We are all spiritual, but some of us have learned to tap more effectively into the great strength that resides in the spiritual portion of ourselves. The spirit is not noisy. Make sure you dedicate a portion of every day to thought and study, to think and reflect upon your life. Choose a time and place that best allow you to relax your mind and devote your thoughts to reflection.So the best use of time is possible through silent meditation while searching for guidance from within.

Life Is Beautiful : Live It , Learn It , Love It.

Life is like a train. We all are passengers travelling in the same train. Some are enjoying the journey even in the general class while some are unhappy in spite of being in AC coach. At each station new people come into coach(Life) . We interact with them and learn from them and when their station came they left us. Instead of missing someone all the day , accept the reality. That’s Life..dear…It does not matter how much time you have spent with someone but it is the bond between two heart that keeps them always near. The one who does not accept the reality , has to suffer a lot. I want to say…..

Life Is Beautiful…….

Everything In Life Happens For A Reason……..

So…….Live It…………..

Learn It…………….

Love It………

Use Your Smile To Change The World…….

Don’t Let The World Change Your Smile………………….

If life hands you a lemon, don’t complain, but instead make lemonade to sell to those who are thirsty from complaining.

Wally Amos, the man whom many consider to be the father of the gourmet cookie industry, has turned lemons into lemonade so often in his life that in his official portrait he holds a pitcher in one hand and a glass of lemonade in the other. A perennial optimist, Amos refuses to acknowledge that obstacles are anything other than stepping-stones to success. In a career that has spanned several decades, he has made it to the pinnacle of success several times, only to lose everything and be forced to start over. But he’s never lost faith. “You have to have the trust and faith to let go and not agonize,” he says. “Don’t waste your time worrying. Worry is not preparation. Analyze the situation and focus on solutions. There is always an answer.”