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Tag Archives: want

Interesting Things about God

This post is inspired by Bollywood movie “OMG(Oh My God)“. If you have not watched it yet,please find some time to watch the movie. It is a story of Kanji, an atheist. By selling idols of gods with make-believe tales he earns a living. One day his shop is destroyed in earthquake. Kanji’s only asset was his shop. He went to insurance company for claim but company rejects his claims on the basis that their cover does not include “act of God”. Then he files a case against God for destroying his property. Kanji sends the notice to all the self-proclaimed God-men who claim to be in constant touch with Him. In the court he has  to prove that “God exists and he has destroyed his property.” Kanji’a argument against so called God-men is awesome and also it gives a remarkable lesson. So Go and Watch. OMG . If you are not Indian and wants to know about God , I have summarised lessons(in my way) from the movie.

1. Does God exists?


2. Who is atheist?

– The one who don’t accept the presence of God after experiencing it.

3. If God exists then why can’t we see him?

– As we grow we become more and more selfish and we pray only to God to do a favor maybe good marks in exams, promotions etc. Today we pray to God only when we are in trouble. God exists everywhere. The only thing needed from our side is to experience the supreme power.

– If you have real faith you can see/experience him in even small ants to green leafs.

4. What God is doing for us?

-He has created wonderful nature for us to live. He is always with us.His Job is to show us the right path . We have to reach our destiny by ourselves.

5. What he want from us?

– He does not want to spent your money in Milk ,  flowers , oil , coconut, etc. He does not want any of these things.He wants nothing but little faith in him. If you have some extra money , he wants you to spend those money on helping poor people.

Is This Really My Life ?

If you are feeling like “Is this really my life?” than this post is for you. Don’t worry you are not the only person who feels the same. There are thousands of people out there in the world. Do you feel like why I have so many problems in my life?  .Always remember one thing “If you don’t have problems in your life than I am sure you are not living life.”  Life is what you make of it.

There are moments when you ask God “Why me?” But according to me you should be thankful to him because he tried you. There are thousands of people like you in the world but he chose you. There is something unique in you. So now on wards when you face problems and you feel like “Why me?” Just remember above lines and say “Try me.” . If you are not convinced yet than let me explain it it a different way. If you don’t face any problems/challenges and you don’t respond well to those challenges than you will die like an ordinary person. No one will remember you. Is it okay with you? or on the other end you want yourself to be remembered by next generation.

Still not convinced: Think of the time when you got success . It can be your school/university grade ,extra curricular activities , promotion or it can be anything else. Now ask yourself. When you got success, have you asked “Why me?”.  Answer would be “No” Right !!! Than why are you afraid now?

Related post: Turn Your Fear into Curiosity.

Expectation: Real cause of your unhappiness

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How many times you feel disappointed/nervous/unhappy?  Just because someone has not done something the way you want. Just because you were not able to deliver something to your boss. In both the situation it is the expectation that makes you disappointed/nervous/unhappy. In first case your expectation is high from other person. While in other case your boss is expecting more from you. Also in education(especially in India) parents expect more from their children. Every parent wants their children to be a doctor/engineer . But they don’t understand that each and every human on the earth are unique. They have their own feelings  , capabilities and virtues. If a child’s father/mother is engineer/doctor  , then they force their child to follow(continue) their profession. You can not Expect Everyone to be Yourself . I am not telling you that expectation are bad. It is a motivating factor but it should not harm to your happiness. Always keep in mind Life never turns the way want.


Expect More From Yourself and Less From Others…..

Work More…..

But never override your expectation with your happiness.

Things that child never tells to his/her parent

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My Lovely Parent

When a child born he does not know anything about the real world. It was his parents that make him aware of everything. And he better knows it. Till the age of 15-17 he is enjoying his childhood. He has no fear/worries/tension. His parents and friends are his
world. He just do what his parents wants im to do. He shares everything with his parents. He has a great inner feeling while reaching home every day. But after the age 17-18 , he realized what his parents are doing for him and how they are cutting  their requirement just for the betterment of their children. It is the life changing step for a child. Now he is no more a child. He is entering into adulthood. And after observing his parents daily life, he clearly understood the value of his parents. And the day he starts working for giving every happiness to his parents. And now he no more shares his defeat and disappointments. He will share only his achievement and success. He wants to see his parents happy. After completing his education he starts working on giving every happiness to his parents. But meanwhile during the course of his education he came across many difficult situations. But he never shares. And surprising he suppress his feeling (dream) under the wish of his parents saying “I have my whole life to accomplish my dreams. But my parents don’t.”

I agree there are children described “badly” in many articles but there are children exactly doing opposite to it as described in the article above. How one can forget the priceless moments shown below.

Whatever may be the condition, human emotions are not going to change. So I am becoming more modern or I must say “Adjusting with the current environment” but my feeling are not going to change. Love you parents.


A 21st Century Child

People may Hurt you , Break you but it is How you Behave that Make you.

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As a human we experience something new and better everyday. We met thousands of new people in our journey of Life.  And those people are of different kind. If you could not find anything good in them then read Good people are hard to find on earth…Really???.. . And among them you find many people who tries to hurt you , tries to break you. But you should not get demotivated by them. Please do keep in mind Life never turns the way we want, but.. . You can not blame whole human culture/life  just you had bad experience with few of them. Once again I want to quote Life is beautiful. Live it, Learn it , Love it . So ever since you come to such situation , just spend some time with yourself. Read some motivational stories/article for example this . It is your reaction to the situation(people) that makes you.

Life never turns the way we want but……

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How many times you feel depressed thinking “Things never turns the way want.”? Is it the same case with other people?  And answer is Yes. So what is the difference between successful people and others? . The only difference in amount of “Effort” they have done.Those people have just tried little more than others. I would like to share one conversation with successful person:

Q: What is the secret behind your success?

A: Doing Right Thing

Q: How do you do Right Thing?

A: Experience

Q: From where do you get such Experience?

A: Practice

Q: How do you Practice?

A: By doing wrong things

Also “Every artist was first an amateur.”-Ralph Emerson

So from above conservation it is clear that each and every person on this earth are capable of doing amazing things. So my message is:

Everyone in this world are capable of doing great thing and  “Do not be afraid of walking alone“.