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Tag Archives: Moments

Happiness – First Experience

Last weekend I was watching Bollywood movie “English Vinglish” and in that there was this scene.

In that “Sri Devi was going to USA for the first time alone and she was bit tensed. At that time Amitabh Bachchan told her that “Pehli baar ek hi baar aata hai (English: “First Time” comes only once) so enjoy it at fullest” “. So true. Isn’t it?

Let me share some of those my first experience. I was very excited when my presentation got selected for a conference for the first time. Later I presented at several other conference but I will never forget that moments/happiness/excitement of first experience. There are many such moments for me and I will cherish them lifetime. I am sure you must have “such” moments. It can be very small. We get happiness from small things. Like:- I was happy when I wrote my first blog . Small things like “Getting window seat on a bus” can make us happy. So enjoy such moments. Life is full of such moments. Life is beautiful. Live it. Love it. Learn it. Don’t make it complicated. 🙂

We all live three lives: Public , Personal and Private

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People believe there is only one life. But I believe we live three lives namely: Public,Personal and Private. In public everyone knows who we are. Like our all friends know who we are, where do we study,etc. It is kind of overview of the person. While in personal life we share our some of the views to our close friends. It may include our feelings for others , our happy moments and some sad moments. Although we do not share such information with others. While the last on is Private. It affects our behavior.Although we share everything with our best friend ,there are always few things we never share with anyone. Even not with our  “Parents”. Even when we die we take it with us. We come to know about such life only when we are alone.We can find so many things that perhaps no one knows better than us.What do you say ?

Meditation, the most beneficial use of time.

We all experience rare moments when a blinding revelation comes to us, when we suddenly see things differently than ever before. Usually, however, we learn the truth about ourselves gradually, over long periods of time, from quiet introspection. We are all spiritual, but some of us have learned to tap more effectively into the great strength that resides in the spiritual portion of ourselves. The spirit is not noisy. Make sure you dedicate a portion of every day to thought and study, to think and reflect upon your life. Choose a time and place that best allow you to relax your mind and devote your thoughts to reflection.So the best use of time is possible through silent meditation while searching for guidance from within.