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Tag Archives: Think

What Others Will Think Of Me ?

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How many times you didn’t do something that you wanted to do, thinking “What others/society will think of me?” Many of us care about what other people/society will think. I used to think that way. But I realized that no one really cares other than your family and your inner circle . People might say something for few minutes/hours/days then they will forget , busy living their own life. So do whatever you want to do without thinking about what others will think. According to me what really matters is

What others think about you is not as important as what you think of yourself.

Having said that it doesn’t mean , you don’t care about other people. It simply means what others think about you should not stop you from doing things you love to do.  Sometime you feel “The world aint all sunshine and rainbows” and that is completely okay. No matter what happens , keep moving forward and never give up. This is your life. Make it large.

Never Give Up

It has been almost 2 months since I have written any blog. I was little busy and could not find time to write. Even I thought of quitting writing blogs. But I did not and here I am with another blog. Whenever the thought of quitting comes to mind, I started thinking why I started this blog. And I realized just because at present I could not find time to write , I should not quit writing.

“When you think about quitting, remember why you started”.


I am sure you all must have come across such situations. If not , you will. Another incident happened last week. I was working on one project and I got stuck at one problem for couple of days and I thought it is dead end and nothing can be done further. However I didn’t stop and decided to spend few more hours on the problems and surprisingly I was able to resolve the problem. Below image replicate the lesson I learnt.


Think…20% + Believe 30 % + Implement 50 % = Achieve 100%

You might have read Think,Believe,Achieve at some place. But it is not always true. It do not provide us the correct relation between all the term listed. According to me Belief in something makes it achievable. It is good that we think good Thing/Idea but the important part is to have belief in Our Self/ Our Idea.But there is some missing term. The common situation today is “People have thought, Have belief” but the missing part is Implementation. If you have Idea. If you believe in your Idea then Implement it before it become to late. If you have fear then read this. Most of the people miss the third “Implement” part and the sole reason of their failure Also people face problem in “Implementation” because of lack of involvement from other people. .Then read Do Not Be Afraid of Walking Alone. If you have a simple Idea , have little belief in yourself and have great implementation policy then you will surely achieve your goal.

So According to me..





Meditation, the most beneficial use of time.

We all experience rare moments when a blinding revelation comes to us, when we suddenly see things differently than ever before. Usually, however, we learn the truth about ourselves gradually, over long periods of time, from quiet introspection. We are all spiritual, but some of us have learned to tap more effectively into the great strength that resides in the spiritual portion of ourselves. The spirit is not noisy. Make sure you dedicate a portion of every day to thought and study, to think and reflect upon your life. Choose a time and place that best allow you to relax your mind and devote your thoughts to reflection.So the best use of time is possible through silent meditation while searching for guidance from within.