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Tag Archives: 5-10

Alone or Lonely? What’s the Difference?

In English dectionary , Alone and Lonely are synonyms but acording to me they are completely different. Being Lonely means you don’t have someone with you to share something. It can be considered as one of “those” sad moments. While on the other hand I define being Alone as “Enjoying with soul”. Loneliness may kill you but being alone will build you.  From my limited experience , I came to know that most of the people hate “Being Lonely” because they don’t know the power of “Being Alone”. It will help you to heal many problems/difficulties of your life. Okay. I am convinced that by being alone I can build better me but to be frank I don’t have time.I have family[responsibility] , I have job[tension/pressure] , I could not even meet my old friends and there are many more.. But my dear friend “Being Alone” for few minutes is going to help you in all these things. I am not asking for more than 5 minutes daily of your so called “busy” schedule. Okay. I will find time but what to do in these 5-10 minutes What do I get?. Hmm. That’s the problem. We want something from whatever we do. But sometimes best things in the world are free for example what do get by “Smile”. [I will write more about best things in the world in the upcoming post.] In this 5-10 minutes you can:

– Read your diary if you have one

– Check your pictures library [It will make you realize how your life has changed]

– Observe nature [My Favourite]

– Talk to your parents if they are not living with you.

– Think about yourself [Where were you before 5-10 years ago.]

– Do Nothing. [Yes really]